A source for wild food and medicine instruction, primitive living skills mentoring, New England plant taxonomy and nomenclature, and natural history lessons.
Practicing and sharing a neoaboriginal lifeway—a synthesis of the experience and wisdom accrued over the past seven million years with evidence from contemporary scientific research—to foster awareness, connection, health, and self-reliance.
A major focus of the Delta Institute of Natural History is developing self-reliance that promotes awareness and eco-conscientiousness.
This necessitates drawing on technologies that were first perfected many millennia ago, in some cases, prior to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a species.
These technologies, often referred to as primitive skills or ancestral life ways, are the only technologies that have demonstrated they are sustainable.
Further, they nourished and healed the body, produced a healthy and vital next generation, and promoted connection to the landscape (rather than distinction from).
These outcomes were accomplished through an education system that fostered the development of important human characteristics, beginning with the perfection of nature-based skills, and progressing to thoughtful practices, ceremony, and, ultimately, service beyond self.
Connect with the Delta Institute to understand how these primitive skills are effective, timely, and rejuvenative.
We are trained to believe that some ailments require Western Medicine (i.e., industrial methods of prevention and treatment). This is especially true if we were to discuss some of the really scary items that humans have contended with over our history, such as smallpox (genus Orthopoxvirus) or tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). These are contagious diseases that have killed a great many people in recorded history. To state that keeping us scared has advantages (especially for pharmaceutical companies), this would be an understatement. Even a cursory examination of our reaction to COVID-19 and the anti-science policies that were enacted demonstrates that little must be done to before the populace will themselves become the propagators of fear and the judges of what constitutes “politically correct” actions. I understand some of you will read this all as “conspiracy theory”, an over-used term today for anyone who doesn’t buy completely into our industrial lifeway. And that is your choice to put forth that label, but if you are interested in sovereignty and a real connection with the earth, I suggest you read on.